Wouldn't it be great if we had magic or super hero powers and could make our dreams come true just by thinking about them? Have you ever used a positive affirmation? Did it work for you? Or did you find it too hard to believe or forget to do it after a while because nothing happened? These are common situations. But I am here to tell that there are ways to use positive affirmations that can make them more effective. I call this Positive Projection.
Lets look at a few ways I think positive projections can be used successfully.
* positive projections as a way to hold intention:
Setting an intention can be as simple as making a to-do list for your day, but generally it is thought of as the guiding desire for something you want to accomplish, a big picture goal. I had an intention to become a nurse. When I thought about that goal I wasn't sure how I would get there. But I had an idea... I registered for college, took the required courses, the state RN exam and tada... I am a nurse. Of course it took a few years. Using written positive affirmations can be a physical reminder of what your intention is. By reading them daily you create a center of focus, like making a to do list for your life. It keeps you on track
* positive projections as a way to focus:
When we focus our attention on a subject we tend to notice examples of it in our environment. This is called confirmation bias. Not always considered a positive thing it is a good for us because focus is a critical component of intention. As I mentioned above it took awhile to become a nurse. That was my intention. As I worked toward my goal I started noticing people in nursing uniforms wherever I went. There was a nursing Barbie and stuffed nurse dog in my bedroom. All this kept my eyes focused on the prize. Any visual, tactile or physical reminder can increase our focus and every instance reinforces our intention.
*positive projections as an adjunct to meditation:
Meditation is a way to sooth the talking heads that dominate so many of our waking hours. With practice it can potentially allow us to access deeper parts of ourselves. Reading or reciting a positive projection before, during or just after meditation is a way to make them more effective. This is because when you are meditating there is less negative backtalk to counteract the affirmation. Positive projections don't have to be believed to be effective, they just need to be consistently reinforced. Eventually they change your perception because you are taking a proactive stance for your intention. When you combine meditation with your positive affirmations they are experienced at a deeper level in your soul, creating space for a new reality.
* some other tips:
Positive projections should be positive ie: it is better to project 1) "I am abundant", rather then 2) "I don't want to be poor". This is because of the focus: 1) is abundance, 2) is poverty. Due to confirmation bias statement number 2 will create a focus on lack... so not what you want. Keep it positive. Watch out for seemingly positive statements that are actually negative. A good example of this are the "I am releasing" statements, which once again focus on what you don't want. My other tip is to take actions towards your goals. Even the teeniset, tinyest, itty, bitty little action will create positive energy and reinforce your intention. Take a class, read a book, google it... your positive projections can be broken down into small manageable steps. We were given the greatest gift imaginable in this life...the gift of mind over matter. Use your mind positively and you will be amazed at what you can manifest.
Find a comfortable spot to sit or lie down.
Read your positive projection silently or aloud.
Meditate using your favorite method for your usual amount of time.
As you are finishing, but before you get up,
read your projection again.
That's it.
Notice any thoughts you may have had that point you in the direction you wish to go.Take actions, even the smallest ones count. Trust yourself and do what feels natural to you, don't push it. Go as fast or as slow as you need too. If you stumble, meditate on your projection again and see if there is an adjustment you can make. You are on your journey, thats the point.
Positive projection is a powerful tool when used in a consistent manner and it can help you live a happier life as well by teaching you how to root out those insidious negative thought patterns you don't even realize are there. For me it is a continual source of personal growth and fulfillment. I'm sure it will work for you.
blissings, amber
bee happy * bee well * bee positive
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Letting the Earth heal my pain
Lately I have been spending 15 or so minutes a day outside barefoot on my patio, because I read a tweet by Dr.Christine Northrup that said doing so for 10 weeks caused folks to "experience pain relief". I decided to try it because my right leg has been hurting for a couple of months ( old ski owee). It's only been a week, so I can't say yet if it is successful. What I can say is that this has become a second daily meditation for me and I couldn't be happier about that.
In my last blog I wrote about pilgrimages in everyday life. But as many of us know...we take our own advice sparingly. My habit was to get up, meditate,walk my small patio labyrinth, make tea and watch the news. A downer way to start the day hearing about the local car accidents, thefts, DWI's, or worse. Supposedly I was checking on the weather, but all the other dismal stuff came with the temperature. The juxtaposition of the serenity of meditating and spiraling and the harsh reality of... whatever the reporters are reporting today, was a bit unsettling and had the potential to set the tone for the day.
So now I meditate: sitting- breathing or counting and head outside to earth with my tea. The ground is cool this time of the year. Wrapped in a sweater, I walk the labyrinth, putter in my plants, chat with the cats or just sit (the study said standing) and listen to the bubbling of my fountain. It is so peaceful and just like meditation I let the moments flow, let the thoughts pass without much notice, my feet in constant contact with the patio soothing my leg but more so my soul. I draw in the natural electromagnetic vibration of the earth and align my inner vibrations.
In the story of the Buddha's enlightenment as he was meditating under the Bodhi tree, Mara the Lord of Illusion was trying to tempt him. When that failed Mara asked the Buddha what right he had to attain enlightenment and the Buddha simply put his fingers over his knee to touch the earth, calling the earth to witness.
I have often wondered what this meant. It is depicted in numerous representations-art and statues, but little has been written about the subject to explain it. A Goddess of the earth features in a scant few of the stories, but I am convinced he was earthing. He aligned with the energy of the earth and sent Mara packing.
I plan on continuing my research on the Buddha calling the earth to witness. It is depicted far too often to be insignificant. But for now I will continue to earth as often as I can, calling the earth to sooth and heal.
Find a place outside where you can sit or stand comfortably.
Grass, dirt, sand, bark or cement, are all ok.
Slip off your shoes or place your hands on the ground in full contact,
(if it is cold your hands are probably best)
Relax... meditate, listen to music, drink tea: whatever soothes you.
Do this for 15 minutes or longer.
This is a good daily activity similar to meditation practice, connecting us back to nature at a time when disconnection is the norm. As my feet connect with the earth I am reminded that stones and crystals have metaphysical attributes and are electromagnetically charged as well...we can talk about that another time when we look into the use of prayer beads for meditation. For now, if you are interested in earthing, more details can be found at
or you can read Dr. Northrup's tweet on Facebook at
blissings, amber
MENDs FYI tidbit:
If you are like me you have a few herbs growing in your backyard or on your window sill. Autumn is the time to harvest them unless you are a southern hemisphere visitor to this page=time for you to plant. :) Here in the north just clip your branches, make into bundles and hang in a dry spot out of direct sunlight. When they are completely dry you can store them in a glass jar, in a cotton tea bag or you can make flavored salt in a recycled salt or pepper grinder. Put 2-3 parts leaves only of your herb (they do not need to be pre-ground) into a bowl and 1 part salt, mix then funnel into your clean, dry recycled grinder.You can use more salt...I prefer more herb flavor. I used mint, rosemary, thyme and basil. Woodier plants like rosemary can be used independently, but leafy herbs need a little salt to move them through the grinder. To use just grind onto foods for some extra flavor.
see you soon...
In my last blog I wrote about pilgrimages in everyday life. But as many of us know...we take our own advice sparingly. My habit was to get up, meditate,walk my small patio labyrinth, make tea and watch the news. A downer way to start the day hearing about the local car accidents, thefts, DWI's, or worse. Supposedly I was checking on the weather, but all the other dismal stuff came with the temperature. The juxtaposition of the serenity of meditating and spiraling and the harsh reality of... whatever the reporters are reporting today, was a bit unsettling and had the potential to set the tone for the day.
So now I meditate: sitting- breathing or counting and head outside to earth with my tea. The ground is cool this time of the year. Wrapped in a sweater, I walk the labyrinth, putter in my plants, chat with the cats or just sit (the study said standing) and listen to the bubbling of my fountain. It is so peaceful and just like meditation I let the moments flow, let the thoughts pass without much notice, my feet in constant contact with the patio soothing my leg but more so my soul. I draw in the natural electromagnetic vibration of the earth and align my inner vibrations.
In the story of the Buddha's enlightenment as he was meditating under the Bodhi tree, Mara the Lord of Illusion was trying to tempt him. When that failed Mara asked the Buddha what right he had to attain enlightenment and the Buddha simply put his fingers over his knee to touch the earth, calling the earth to witness.
I have often wondered what this meant. It is depicted in numerous representations-art and statues, but little has been written about the subject to explain it. A Goddess of the earth features in a scant few of the stories, but I am convinced he was earthing. He aligned with the energy of the earth and sent Mara packing.
I plan on continuing my research on the Buddha calling the earth to witness. It is depicted far too often to be insignificant. But for now I will continue to earth as often as I can, calling the earth to sooth and heal.
Find a place outside where you can sit or stand comfortably.
Grass, dirt, sand, bark or cement, are all ok.
Slip off your shoes or place your hands on the ground in full contact,
(if it is cold your hands are probably best)
Relax... meditate, listen to music, drink tea: whatever soothes you.
Do this for 15 minutes or longer.
This is a good daily activity similar to meditation practice, connecting us back to nature at a time when disconnection is the norm. As my feet connect with the earth I am reminded that stones and crystals have metaphysical attributes and are electromagnetically charged as well...we can talk about that another time when we look into the use of prayer beads for meditation. For now, if you are interested in earthing, more details can be found at
or you can read Dr. Northrup's tweet on Facebook at
blissings, amber
MENDs FYI tidbit:
If you are like me you have a few herbs growing in your backyard or on your window sill. Autumn is the time to harvest them unless you are a southern hemisphere visitor to this page=time for you to plant. :) Here in the north just clip your branches, make into bundles and hang in a dry spot out of direct sunlight. When they are completely dry you can store them in a glass jar, in a cotton tea bag or you can make flavored salt in a recycled salt or pepper grinder. Put 2-3 parts leaves only of your herb (they do not need to be pre-ground) into a bowl and 1 part salt, mix then funnel into your clean, dry recycled grinder.You can use more salt...I prefer more herb flavor. I used mint, rosemary, thyme and basil. Woodier plants like rosemary can be used independently, but leafy herbs need a little salt to move them through the grinder. To use just grind onto foods for some extra flavor.
see you soon...
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