bee happy * bee well * bee positive

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


       Labradorite stabilizes and balances our energy in a very powerful way, having both the fire of the sun and the water of the moon captured in its luminescence. With equilibrium, we are now able to be present in "this moment". It also assists our ability to have an open mind, reflecting on all possibilities. This beautiful stone is associated with Welsh Goddesses and is lovely in jewelry.
   blissings, amberspiral 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014





What or who will be your rock today?

Are you challenged by a rock in the road?

Will you rock-it today?

blissings, amberspiral

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mantra:a mini affirmation

      Using a mantra is the simplest form of prayer I know. "Basically, any mantra is “a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of ‘creating transformation.’” Yowangdu.  To practice with a mantra all you do is repeat your chosen word or words, a few times or several times daily. I love this practice because you can do it anywhere, anytime.
      Choosing what mantra to use is as simple as finding a word that expresses your feelings, goals, theme or inspiration. Think of it as a mini affirmation: simple, direct, concise, one or two powerful words with a positive charge. You can change it daily or contemplate one for a period of time...the choice is yours.
         The Buddha said "with our thoughts, we make the world." So set your intention, choose your mantra and off you go.
           blissings, amberspiral

 See more at:

     And check back here or on twitter @MantraToday for more inspiration and my daily mantra...see you soon!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mid-week Mandala

Fireworks Galaxy, NASA

Mid-week Mandala

Isn't nature ahh-inspiring?

blissings! amberspiral